Returns Policy

If you are not completely satisfied with the goods you have received, we accept refunds if returned within 28 days of delivery.

To be eligible for a return, items should be returned unused, unworn and in the same condition you received them in.

We will not accept any returns if there is signs that the item has been worn/washed and is not in a resalable condition.

Products must still have its original packaging with their respective brand and TOUCHES tags still attached.

Please do not remove the white security tag unless you are 100% satisfied with your order. In doing so our return conditions will be void and we will be unable to refund your payment.

Returning Your Item

Nigeria and International returns are FREE via our shipping provider FedEx.

To return an item or order please complete the form here and put your order id as the subject. A member of our customer service team will contact you via email to send you a returns label.

Print off the returns label and attach it to the box your order was shipped in and deposit it at a FedEx Service Center. To find your nearest FedEx Service Center please follow this link.

All returns must use the shipping label TOUCHESNG.COM has provided. Failure to comply will result in your refund request being rejected.

Once we have received your order it will be inspected to ensure it meets all our returns criteria.

Once approved, we will send you an email to notify you of your refund. Funds will be refunded to your original method of payment.

Please be aware that there may be delays to funds being released into your account. This is due to varying process times by banks and payment providers.

Please note that we are unable to refund any shipping costs.